Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde at CREDO in Siena

Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde at the Centre of Excellence in Cultural Relations and Diplomacy (CREDO) of the University of Siena Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde will participate in the Co-creational Jam Session on Intercultural Relations and Sustainability at the Centre of Excellence in Cultural Relations and Diplomacy (CREDO) of the University of Siena (IT) and give […]
Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde at the STEAM Transfer Conference in Vienna

Foundign Director Aleksandra Bajde at the STEAM Transfer Conference in Vienna STEAM Transfer Conference September 28 – 29, 2023 Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Lehárgasse 8 1060 Vienna Austria Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde will hold a workshop on Culture and the SDGs in the framework of the conference on September 29, 2023. The […]
Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde at the Art, Science and Technology Symposium in Ottawa

Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde at the Art, Science and Technology Symposium SCI_ARTART, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUMMarch 25 – 26, 2023SAW, 67, Nicholas StreetOttawa ON K1N 7B9Canada Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde will give a presentation on Culture and the SDGs in the framework of the symposium on March 25, 2023. SCI_ART brings together artists, scientists, and academics for […]
The Animal Within

The Animal Within an interactive performance for voice, sound objects, electronics, modular synthesizers, performance, and audience participation 04. December, 2022 | 11:00 Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (mumok) Aleksandra Bajde (composition, performance, voice, sound objects) Isabella Forciniti (composition, electronics) Brigitte Wilfing (performance, choreography) Text: Fragments from the book The Posthuman by Rosi Braidotti […]
Culture and the SDGs I Cross-sectoral Collaboration Proposals

Culture and the SDGs enhancing creative cross-sectoral collaborations CROSS-SECTORAL COLLABORATION PROPOSALS International Collective of Community-Activator Incubators Team members Ayerra, Magdalena (Argentina) Linares Figueruelo, Alejandra (Spain) Miyazaki, Aya (Japan) Bhattacharyya, Sneha (India) Jmal, Nadia (Tunisia) Salvarita, Razcel Janl (Philippines) Gao, Liyuan (China) Partners Culture and Sustainability Lab / Cultural Relations Platform Context We are living in […]
Culture and the SDGs I Result Article

Culture and the SDGs enhancing creative cross-sectoral collaborations RESULT ARTICLE by Pravali Vangeti “A true arts leadership retreat, from where you can leave with new inspiring connections and lots of food for thought,” says Matic Gajšek, reflecting on his week together with the Culture and the SDGs cohort in Istanbul. The Culture and the SDGs […]
Online Programme Culture and the SDGs

Online Programme Culture and the SDGs Online Session 1 Friday, 2 September 2022 2.00 – 4.00 PM CET online Expert Speakers Violeta BULC Violeta Bulc is an open-minded former European Commissioner, devoted to solving problems in a collaborative and innovative way. The essence of her work is directed at improving the quality of life on […]
Participants of the Culture and the SDGs Programme

Meet the participants Magdalena Ayerra I Argentina Policymaker specializing in social urbanism. She is engaged in the design, implementation, and evaluation of projects that improve the economic development of local communities, with a focus on art and culture as a tool for social transformation. She is currently working for the MIT Center for Constructive Communication […]
Culture and the SDGs

Culture and the SDGsenhancing creative cross-sectoral collaborations Project decripton Culture and the SDGs: enhancing creative cross-sectoral collaborations is an experimental project that sits somewhere between an action research, capacity-building training, and a creative residency. At one end, it seeks to raise awareness about the UN SDGs framework within the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) and highlight […]
Call for Participants I Culture and the SDGs: enhancing creative cross-sectoral collaborations

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS Culture and the SDGs enhancing creative cross-sectoral collaborations Project description marine biologist x sculptor food security expert x music producer good governance specialist x museum curator… The possibilities for holistic collaborations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals are endless – and yet, they often remain under-utilized, as culture takes a back seat […]