Using culture as a driving force for sustainable development

Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde at the STEAM Transfer Conference in Vienna

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Foundign Director Aleksandra Bajde at the STEAM Transfer Conference in Vienna

STEAM Transfer Conference September 28 – 29, 2023 Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Lehárgasse 8 1060 Vienna Austria Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde will hold a workshop on Culture and the SDGs in the framework of the conference on September 29, 2023.
The STEAM Transfer conference is hosted by the Knowledge Transfer Center of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and brings together creative, artistic, and SSHA aspects with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields and vice versa. Transformative and future skills will be presented and discussed with a focus on inter- and transdisciplinary transfer activities in Austria and Europe in the Higher Education Institution (HEI) segment. The Steam Transfer conference offers insight into projects of the Knowledge Transfer Center East and West, but also brings international stakeholders on stage to shape the future of STEAM. More information on the conference including the program and registration here.

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