Using culture as a driving force for sustainable development

Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde at the Art, Science and Technology Symposium in Ottawa

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Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde at the Art, Science and Technology Symposium

March 25 – 26, 2023
SAW, 67, Nicholas Street
Ottawa ON  K1N 7B9

Founding Director Aleksandra Bajde will give a presentation on Culture and the SDGs in the framework of the symposium on March 25, 2023.

SCI_ART brings together artists, scientists, and academics for a two-day program of panel discussions, artist talks, performances and book launches to present an array of diverse viewpoints and approaches to understanding artistic and scientific collaboration. The symposium will also examine new art forms and technological advances that arise from bringing together scientific research and artistic practice. Many of the invited artists and thinkers in the symposium address some of the most challenging issues of our time, from environmental degradation to social challenges, opening up new ways of thinking and seeing the world around us.

Presented by SAW, the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in partnership with Artengine, the Embassy of Denmark and the University of Ottawa.

Supported by Društvo VTIS, RUK, IOTA Institute, PiNA, Incubator Art Lab, Kultur Einer Digitalstadt and Culture and Sustainability Lab & Austrian Cultural Forum Ottawa.

For further information click here.

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